Proudly Serving Los Angeles, California and surrounding areas

Elevated Canine Academy, LLC

Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification in your Los Angeles, California area

Get your dog to listen and obey your every command — every time!

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"A Dog Trainer Near Me?"

We are a professional dog training company in Los Angeles, California. We offer puppy training, basic to advanced obedience, board and trains, and behavior modification.

Do you have a good dog with bad behavior? Oscar Mora and his team will teach you the secret to communicating with your dog so that commands are both understood and have meaning.

World-Class Dog Training With Results That Last.

Eliminate Bad Behavior Now!

Elevate your dog’s training journey with our Dog Board and Train program. Our experienced trainers will provide personalized attention and guidance while your pet enjoys a comfortable stay.

Our Dog Training Programs

Puppy Training

Our puppy program is for fully vaccinated puppies 6 months and under. How you raise your puppy dictates how they mature into adult dogs. Start them off on the right path with our puppy program.

Board and Train

Elevate your dog’s training journey with our Dog Board and Train program. Our experienced trainers will provide personalized attention and guidance while your pet enjoys a comfortable stay.

Behavior Modification

We understand how difficult it can be to navigate owning a dog with aggression. This program is for dogs who’s growling, snapping, biting, and or attacking people or other animals.

Locations We Service

Proudly Serving Los Angeles, California. and surrounding areas. 

Transform Your Dog's Behavior

Imagine a life where you and your dog can explore the world together, dine at pet-friendly restaurants, and enjoy peaceful walks without the hassle of behavioral issues. Our training opens the door to this dream life, providing a path to a happier and more fulfilling experience for both you and your beloved companion.

Elevated Canine Academy, LLC

Our Dog Training Process In 3 Steps.

Schedule A Call

Get A Tailored Plan

Start Training

With Our Training, You and your dog will learn:

We focus on Training You And your Dog!

At Elevated Canine Academy, LLC, we’re passionate about helping dogs and their owners thrive. We believe one of the key aspects to long term success is training YOU.

Check Out What other Los Angeles dog owners are saying:

Don't Wait, Start Today!

Your dog’s journey to a better life begins with a single step. Take action now to unlock the full potential of your dog and experience the life you’ve been dreaming of together.

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